Patch 1.5 Europa Universalis 4
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Europa Universalis IV. THE NEW PATCH 1.5 IS BUGGING A LOT AND IT S AN PROFESSIONNAL FAULT!!! Feb 22, 2014 @ 12:47pm Play in linux?
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CURRENTLY BANNED -Non-serious discussion/images about the Ireland rework (1/24/18). Content that breaks the spirit of these rules may be removed at moderator discretion. Currently doing the 'warmonger' strategy, worked great.
Patch 1.5 Europa Universalis 4
For this to work though the turks need to be drawn into a war in the middle east but at least have most of their troops out of the balkans. Also if they have the mission 'ruin byzantines day by talking constantinople' then start over. 1)Be continuously building galleys. Have maybe 20-25. I didn't have to take out any loans for this.
Also build relations with hungary. Alliance, marriage yadda yadda. Also fabricate a claim on burgas. 2)Declare war on albania with the 'reconquest' causa belli. 3)Usually about time you can get a alliance with serbia at this time, if you can't (you should) then start over. Also reject all royal marriages from them until later.
4) Move your one light ship to blockade albania (the turks shoudn't have taken over by now). 5) After 60 days (or when calling serbia 'to arms' they won't come to war) call them to war with albania. They won't, breaks alliance, you get 'dishonored alliance' causa belli. 6) End war with albania by taking all of their ducats (4 biuldn sheeps). 7)Get alliance with either wallachia or bosnia.
8)Invade serbia with 'great dishonah in fightu' causa belli. 9) As with serbia, as soon as your ally won't come into the war, call them and get the causa belli. 10) When the warscore is high enough to vasalise serbia, do it. Try not to take all their money, they need it.

But then again so do you. 11) Rince and repeat with both bosnia and wallachia.
Get marriages to keep em happy, because by this point they ain't. 12) At this point you should have 25 galleys (with admiral please), an alliance with hungary, three vassals (that you can annex in 15 years!yay!), and a claim on burgas (not critical).
Note some minor islands that you have claims on may defect to you, or countries that beat venice in a fight may force them to give them to you (austria gave me crete). 13) All that's left now is to wait until that turkish death stack crosses over into loser land (anatolia) from ballin' balkands. Also make sure to keep the straight of mamara in your hands with boats in it (and stomp their navy). Otherwise u b ded reel quick. 14) When that's gone, declare war (with reconquest causa belli) and start besieging everything.
15) Due to your supreme Byzantine intellect the dirty turks will be trapped and helpless as you siege their capital. Careful though, if the ottoman provinces in the balkands border crimea or for some reason poland has given millitary access to the turks (or anyone) through besserabia, be prepared to get slapped. I managed to throw away 30000 timurid soldiers with 17000, but I got lucky (and had a 5/2/1 general). Warscore With a warscore closing in on 100, try to get as many of your core provinces back, and if you had trouble with crimea or the timurids, make them break their alliances.
After my first war, I got most of greece back (essentially all of the byzantine cores held by the turks aside from their capital). Ideas Naval and maybe religious for those pesky sunni -2.00 missionary strength. Future Annex vassals, ally austria, poland (but sometimes they want wallachai and silesia), russia, mamluck (but sometimes they want crete) etc. Kill venice when you have a chance for those islands. And most importantly, obliterate those ottomans. Is not hard to conquer all byzantine cores. But you need 'exactly' this situation.
1) Not having the Ottomans the mision of conquering Constantinople. 2) Ottomans are in war in east Anatolia.
The strategy is the following from the beginning: - Disband all ships except galleys. Break vassalization of Atens at the cost of losing prestige (yes, do it because he is a potential enemy of everyone and their mother) - Build up relations with Ottomans to avoid an early attack. Build galleys until you have 5-6 ships more than the Ottoman navy. Wait for the Ottoman navy to split in several stacks. While they are conquering Ramazan and only when Ottoman have all of its army stacks in Anatolia start attacking the small navy stacks having 1-2 ships blockading Constantinople to avoid Ottomans to cross through bosforus. Look for the Crimean fleet and put a bait to force them to attack if you can't catch them at sea. Block every Ottoman port looking for possible reinforcements.
If you need more galleys, do it. Be careful to support Bulgarian rebels if you capture Bulgarian cores or just ignore it and capture all of your Byz cores. Wait for rebels. Is possible and it's easy if you get the 'lucky' conditions you need. Took 4 save reloads to win my first war with the Ottomans just now. Epic slog and very challenging nation.
The coalitions are stupid. If you are a small country you will get your♥♥♥♥♥♥kicked if you even as much think about taking a province. On the other hand, being a big nation, coalitions help you grow even faster.
And alliances are broken as well. Was at war with austria for 7 years and then they got 3 new allies and they called them into a 7 year long war.
And the protectorates. As a player, if you have peace with a nation that declares war on your protectorate, the protectorate wont call you in, but if you declare war on a protectorate after having peaced out their overlord, they instantly get called in? Screw patch 1.5.1, I'm done with EU IV for now. Originally posted by HavocDK:Was at war with austria for 7 years and then they got 3 new allies and they called them into a 7 year long war. Tthat's strange, I've never seen this happen. Are you sure they were allies and not vassals/PUs?
I don't have huge problems with coalitions, although I think that they are perhaps a bit too easily formed - I've had nations halfway across the continent, in a direction I never showed any aggression towards, join coalitions with 20AE, just because one of my provinces on the other end of my empire was near them. Colonial nation wars are strange, though. I really dislike how colonial nations can put you at war with other colonial powers without you being able to do anything about it. In my current England/GB game, I was trying to improve relationships with Portugal to get a royal marriage, when suddenly I was at war with them, because my Peru declared war on their Peru, lost, refused a peace deal and the whole thing escalated. While I easily won their dumb war for them (during the first 50years of the game, I won the 100yrs war, had no heir, got a dynasty shift to de Trastamara and successfully force-claimed the throne of both Castille and Aragon, so yeah, I was a tad strong even early), I could now totally forget about getting my desired marriage anytime soon. Originally posted by:Nope, never really had coalition issues even after aggressively chewed Portugal as La Plata.
Spain just watched it happen. Something's wrong with your games. Oh good, its not just me, I never seem to have problems with coaltions, the princes in the HRE and around it must really hate the Hansa, Poland, the Teutonic Order and Meckinburg as I attacked them unrelenting as Brandonburg. And maybe only get two or three OPM's in a coaltion against me and Denmark only hated me becasue I took land they wanted.
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Maybe its becasue the most I take during a war is two or three provinces and I make sure I have claims and then I make them cores while I wait for the peace treaties to expire and I have my diplomats improve realtions with nations. That is pretty much all it takes to advoid most coaltions. Originally posted by:Yup, not vassals, not pu's. They allied them and pulled them into the war. One of the countries was Denmark at it still had its pu's at that point.
And the coalition change is really really bad. I broke free from Aragon as Naples, declared war on papal state and the second my siege of roma finished, not annexation, or taking the province, but the siege finished, Corsica, Ferrara, siena and tuscany entered into a coalition on me. Cus I sieged a province. The game is broken as is. Sieges dont add aggressive expansion. Obviously there was something else going on here and they already had an AE modifier against you. Did you take Sicily from Aragon?
Or get caught fabricating a claim somewhere? As both of those will add large amounts of AE. Originally posted by:Yup, not vassals, not pu's. They allied them and pulled them into the war. One of the countries was Denmark at it still had its pu's at that point. And the coalition change is really really bad. I broke free from Aragon as Naples, declared war on papal state and the second my siege of roma finished, not annexation, or taking the province, but the siege finished, Corsica, Ferrara, siena and tuscany entered into a coalition on me.
Cus I sieged a province. The game is broken as is.
Sieges dont add aggressive expansion. Obviously there was something else going on here and they already had an AE modifier against you. Did you take Sicily from Aragon? Or get caught fabricating a claim somewhere? As both of those will add large amounts of AE I had no AE. Then the siege of rome finished and i had 15.
And 15 AE made them enter a coalition against me. And I'm 100¤ sure I didnt have any AE, cus I couldnt have any.
The ONLY war I'd done previously was the war against Aragon for independence. Originally posted by:I had a -1 Stability event on Dec 29th and then 2ingames days later on January 1st the SAME event so i dropped -2 Stability in like 10seconds.
I sometimes get like 10year streaks of negative events i find it almost impossible to get my stability above 1, mostly negative, because i will get it up to 1 wasting admin, maybe even 2, then ill get enough events to throw me to -3 and my whole country is atacked by rebels. Pretty ridicolous the amount of bad events i find It's an unfortunate part of the game, but if you're national isn't doing well, bad events snowball like hell. You may have to burn monarch points to try and right the ship. @raptor Never spend admin points to increase stability above 0. That is your problem. Every time you increase stability above 0 the chance of getting a negative event that decreases stab is higher.
Normal stability is 0 and it is quite easy to stay at if you manage your country properly. Staying at +2 and +3 for long periods is designed to be impossible and +1 is not designed to be permanent. If your wasting admin points increasing into the positives than you will not have enough admin to stay at 0 when all the bad events that causes happen. Also note that having certain unstable conditions increase likelihood of rebels, if your having trouble with rebels than most likely overextension, religious unity or legitimacy is affecting your nation negatively, these will also increase how likely a negative stab event is.