Ilivid Video Downloader Free

Ilivid Video Downloader For Android Free Download
ILivid Downloader is a high-ranking application in the field of download managers and while there are other tools, too, one might want to choose a freeware solution. The presented app is free of charge and there are also no ads included in the interface, these two factors making it a must-have for people that download a lot of videos from the internet. Although some might find this process outdated, there are still a lot of users that want their favorite videos in the offline environment, mainly because the internet connection is not reliable. For persons that have such issues, the tool comes with a great download feature, which might prove more helpful when dealing with larger files. If the internet connection drops, a download that is initiated with the aid of a browser will be corrupted and the user will have to restart the download process. However, if the same process is started through this download manager, if the connection is interrupted, the download can be easily resumed from where it stopped and this action requires only a mouse click. The interface is carefully designed and it features a large space for the downloads list, where users can discover various info about their files, such as the download progress or the file size.

Ilivid Video Downloader Free Download
This download manager also features a media player and the compatibility is high because of the XBMC plug-ins that have been included in the tool. This way, users can easily play their downloaded videos without using another application.
The media player is not intended to be powerful and only features the basic options. However, this development method might make it even better than other complicated players. Streaming videos or podcasts can also be achieved using the app and the bandwidth requirement is pretty low, making the tool a trustful resource.
Free ilivid downloader download software at UpdateStar - iLivid is a software solution for fast and free video downloading. You can download videos from YouTube and. Free download manager, music download manager. Ilivid downloads