Genstat 16 Crack Shot
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- Jan 17, 2018 - Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu's millions of monthly readers. Title: Muleskinner Vol. 112 Issue 16 1.18.18, Author: UCM Muleskinner, Name:.
Stevens made two model crack shots the 26 and the 16. The 26 was a lever operated gun and the 16 had a thumd piece on the right side of the receiver to open the breech. The 16 was made from1900 to 1913 and the 26 from 1912 to 1939.Each model had a smoothbore feature that could be ordered and the designation would then be 16 1/2 and 26 1/2. These guns in very good condition bring decent money but if average ho hum condition they are around 1 to 2 hundred dollars. Pete what are the dinstenctive markings on this rifle and where do you find them. The first answer tells you the distinct features - Lever Action or Thumb piece to open the action (Rolling Block).
And if you want to know if you have a smoothbore version, look down the barrel. That is not a rolling block it is a falling block design.
May 24, 2016 - shot and killed as she walked with her father along a popular fishing pier. In the aftermath of Steinle's death, a torrent of accusations and blame. Francisco's sanctuary policy conflicted with federal law). See Appellants' Opening Brief at 10–12, United States v. Arizona, 641 F.3d 339.

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Stevens Crackshot #16 sidelever does indeed have a crecsent shaped ejector that fits in the recess in the bottom of the chamber.It is operated when the lever is worked a lthough I don't think they were a very good system and you probably end up levering as many spent shells out with a pocketknife as it ejects properly. NOTE: The Stevens # 16 has an extractor,which partially removes the spent shell from the chamber, rather than an ejector, which completely expells the spent shell from the chamber. Does anyone know a good source for these extractors???
Price $80.00 Brand Seller Available on Description I have for sale a REALLY nice set of wood for an antique Stevens Crackshot side Lever (Model number 16 I believe). Stock come with the buttplate (steel) and all the screws ( 2X buttplate & 2X tang) all in excellent condition. The forearm also come with its screw (also in excellent condition) I also have few parts that I belive is the complete thumb safety unit for it. VERY HARD TO FIND PARTS!!
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Asking $80.00 + shipping P.S. These parts are in Canada so please make sure you can import them before you buy as I am NOT responsible for items seized by Customs.