Werewolf Wild West Companion Pdf Creator

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  1. Lucy West Companion Quests
  2. Fallout 3 Lucy West Companion
  3. South West Companion

May 10, 2016 Read or Download Now *OP Wild West Companion (Werewolf: The Apocalypse) PDF Online.

How do series work? To create a series or add a work to it, go to a 'work' page. The 'Common Knowledge' section now includes a 'Series' field. Enter the name of the series to add the book to it. Works can belong to more than one series. In some cases, as with, disagreements about order necessitate the creation of. Tip: If the series has an order, add a number or other descriptor in parenthesis after the series title (eg., 'Chronicles of Prydain (book 1)').

By default, it sorts by the number, or alphabetically if there is no number. If you want to force a particular order, use the character to divide the number and the descriptor. So, '(0 prequel)' sorts by 0 under the label 'prequel.'


What isn't a series? Series was designed to cover groups of books generally understood as such (see ). Like many concepts in the book world, 'series' is a somewhat fluid and contested notion. A good rule of thumb is that series have a conventional name and are intentional creations, on the part of the author or publisher. For now, avoid forcing the issue with mere 'lists' of works possessing an arbitrary shared characteristic, such as relating to a particular place. Avoid series that cross authors, unless the authors were or became aware of the series identification (eg., avoid lumping Jane Austen with her continuators). Also avoid publisher series, unless the publisher has a true monopoly over the 'works' in question.

So, the Dummies guides are a series of works. But the Loeb Classical Library is a series of editions, not of works.

Character Creation & House Rules The Port supports Second Edition, Revised Werewolf and uses the character creation guidelines which can be found in the Corebook and the Player's Guide to Garou. These two books will be your guide through the Werewolf Experience. Any questions may be directed to the Werewolf Storyteller. For Bastet, and Kitsune; hedge magic may be allowed but will be considered on a case by case basis for the sake of maintaining a balanced game and will require Mage ST approval as well. Transfer characters will also be considered on a case by case basis. Transfer characters are allowed in by a case by case basis. This means it is up to HST discretion to allow or strip XP off of a transfer character as well.

Any play testing of transfer requires HST approval first. Character Types: There are three main types of characters in The Port. Allowed character types - characters that may be created and applied without prior approval. Restricted character types - require prior storyteller approval and a decent history of three or more paragraphs. These characters are eligible for play testing, but must be given the go ahead from the Storyteller. This includes characters with restricted merits or flaws as well.

Allowed: Garou Tribes:, and. Restricted: (Remind to you the player, this does not mean no.

This means talk to the Storytellers and get the go ahead first. We just want to hear the concept of your character before you go crazy with play testing everything under the sun. The reason why is simple.


Lucy West Companion Quests

We don't want players to get the idea to make a swarm of plague rats to torment the city for two weeks of play testing, then have the players deal with the fall out.) Hengeyokai, Fera, BSD's,and. The Basics. Record your character's NAME. Record your name as the PLAYER. Record your. Record your. Record the name of your TRIBE.

Record the PACK NAME. Record your. Attribute Assignment You must select, which represent your character's innate capabilities. Start by prioritizing the three categories. Physical Attributes are Strength, Dexterity, Stamina. Social Attributes are Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance.

Mental Attributes are Perception, Intelligence, Wits. The order you place these in determines how many dots you get to spend in each category; the higher the priority, the more dots for that category.

Place one free dot in each Attribute. This dot does not count toward the number of additional dots you have to allocate. Distribute 7 additional dots among the three primary Attributes. Distribute 5 additional dots among the three secondary Attributes. Distribute 3 additional dots among the three tertiary Attributes.

Ability Assignment Prioritize the three categories:,. Talents include: Alertness, Athletics, Brawl, Dodge, Empathy, Expression, Intimidation, Intuition, Streetwise, Subterfuge. Skills include: Animal Ken, Drive, Etiquette, Firearms, Leadership, Melee, Performance, Repair, Stealth, Survival. Knowledges include: Bureaucracy, Computer, Enigmas, Investigation, Law, Linguistics, Lore., Medicine, Occult, Politics, Science. = Starting characters have 4 'free' dots of Lore that they can assign at no extra cost to the player. See the for more details. Distribute dots among the Abilities.

Fallout 3 Lucy West Companion

From the ST Secondary Skills may be purchased at half the normal freebie cost. If you choose to spend a dot on it (rather than freebies), there is no discount.

Distribute 13 additional dots among your primary Abilities. Distribute 9 additional dots among your secondary Abilities. Distribute 5 additional dots among your tertiary Abilities. No Abilities begin with a free dot. No single Ability may go above 3 dots at this time without the expenditure of Freebie Points. Lupus can't speak with a human tongue or read without taking a dot in Linguistics.

Lupus can't puchase; Crafts, Drive, Etiquette, Firearms, Computer, Law, Linguistics, Politics, Science. Unless they are purchased with Freebies. They are however capped at 2 dots for Cliath, 3 for fostern. This cap includes with Freebies or XP. Homids can buy Primal Urge no higher then 3 dots for a Cliath, 4 dots for a fostern. This caps includes with Freebies or XP.

Advantages Record your. Distribute 5 total dots among your chosen Backgrounds. You may take two Minor Rites for one Background Point.

South West Companion

Bone Gnawers may not purchase Pure Breed or Mentor. Ratkin Metis must purchase one dot of Colony. Red Talons may not purchase Allies, Contacts, Equipment, or Resources.

Shadow Lords may not purchase Mentor. Silent Striders may not purchase Resources. Silver Fangs must spend at least one Background Point in Pure Breed.

Wendigo may not purchase Contacts or Resources. Any other Background restrictions are noted on the individual backgrounds. You begin with one Gift from your breed, auspice, and tribe (three total). You may purchase more Gifts with Freebie Points but they must be Level One Gifts. Follow the link and you can find the approved online source for. Exclude: Werewolf Wild West, Werewolf Dark Ages, WW 20 Anniversary,Wild West Companion, Damien's Brain, if you Pick a rare gift or one from Rage across the Heavens make sure to make a heck of a story in your history as to why you got it.

Make sure when you do put a Gift on the Sheet you do site the Book it comes from. Final Touches.

Record your score. This is set by your Auspice score. Record your score. This is set by your Breed. Record your WILLPOWER score. The beginning score is set by your Tribe. Record your.

Rank is determined by your permanent score. This will always start at Rank One (Cliath) for characters though their are rules for advanced character creation. See the Link for advanced creation rules. Spend 15 FREEBIE POINTS (see the Freebie Points chart below). All characters are allowed to spend 15 freebie points.

10 additional freebie points are available if a respectable history of at least four paragraphs is submitted. For a full detailed, well written, accurate history the HST may grant more Freebie points after character submission for going above and beyond the posted required standard. Level 3 or higher Gifts may only be obtained through game play and cannot be obtained during character creation.( Yes you can still buy Level One and Level Two at creation for the same cost.). You may purchase Merits with Freebie Points. You may gain additional Freebie Points by taking FLAWS (see Flaws, below). FREEBIE POINTS CHART Attributes 5 Points Per Dot Abilities 2 Points Per Dot Backgrounds 1 Point Per Dot Gifts 7 Per Gift (Level One Only) Rage 1 Point Per Dot Gnosis 2 Points Per Dot Willpower 1 Point Per Dot Choose MERITS (Optional). You may choose between, and.

For each point in a Merit you take, subtract a single Freebie Point. So, taking a two-point Merit costs 2 Freebie Points.

You are not restricted to how many Merits you have, so long as you have Freebie Points to purchase them. Kinfolk only gain Gnosis at character creation through the purchase of the supernatural Gnosis Merit.

Choose FLAWS (Optional). You may choose between, and. For each point in a Flaw taken, gain a single Freebie Point. So, if you take a two-point Flaw, you gain 2 Freebie Points.

You may not gain more than 7 total Freebie Points (for a maximum total of 28 Freebie Points), though feel free to take as many Flaws as you wish. To prevent abuse the following merits and flaws are restricted to one character per werewolf player: Merits: Calm Heart, Charmed Existence, Daredevil, Self Confidant, Silver Tolerance Flaws: Taint of Corruption, Ward, Wolf Years Additionally any flaws that come from books other than Second Edition Revised Werewolf books will require prior approval and must have the mechanics listed in the notes section of the character sheet. This is to prevent the bogging down of play that occurs when someone is forced to look up obscure information.

Choose SPECIALTIES (Optional). In any Attribute or Ability, you may take one specialty if you have four dots. You may take a second specialty at five dots. These do not cost you anything.

For each specialty taken, you will gain one additional die to dice pools that use that trait if that specialty is being used. Example: If you have a 'Car Chases' specialty for Drive you can roll one extra die when rolling Drive to perform a successful car chase.

You cannot, however, have an extra die when rolling Drive to follow somebody. Experience Point Costs Post Creation Attributes Current rating x 4 Ability Current rating x 2 New Ability 3 Points Gifts Level Of Gift x 3 Gifts (Different Breed/Auspice/Tribe) Level Of Gift x 5 Rites Level of Rite x 2 Rage Current Rating Gnosis Current Rating x 2 Willpower Current Rating.